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In: manejo del dolor

10 Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

julio 9, 2022

Most people have suffered a fall-related injury in their lives; however, as we get older, falls become more common. The World…

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¿Cómo Puede Ayudar la Fisioterapia?

mayo 11, 2022

Physical therapy, also known as PT, refers to the treatments provided by physical therapy professionals who can assess and treat abnormal…

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

octubre 26, 2021

Breast Cancer treatments can lead to physical and emotional side effects. Side effects after Breast Cancer treatments include: Scar Adhesion Pain…

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Septiembre es el mes de la concientización sobre el dolor.

septiembre 24, 2021

This Is A Great Month To Learn Alternative Ways To Safely Manage Pain Without Pain Medication. Physical therapy is a safe…

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