OwnerChaux Physical Therapy UpdatesUpdate

Autumn is a beautiful season when nature makes its magic to add happy colors to our days. Delicious smells are everywhere reminding us that Thanksgiving is around the corner.

Chaux Physical Therapy Health and Wellness

Let’s talk about Breast Cancer:

Do you know that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in her life? Early detection of breast cancer the better chance of having a most successful treatment.

Chaux Physical Therapy Tips Guide

I hope everybody has a wonderful fall season and remember: I am always here to help you if you need my help.

Thank you for your loyalty and for trusting me with your health and wellness.

With Gratitude,

Chaux Physical Therapy
Chaux Physical Therapy Grateful Chaux Physical Therapy 5 Star Reviews

5 Star Review

I am in absolute awe of Dr. Alex! She is truly an amazing individual. After lumpectomy and lymph node removal surgery for breast cancer I developed very painful cording or axillary web syndrome. My surgeon recommended physical therapy, sadly there are very few DPTs specializing in breast cancer recovery, but through much research I found Dr. Alex. It’s obvious she loves what she does and her only goal is to help you heal.

If you are feeling any pain, if your posture is out of whack (which it likely is), if you’re recovering from surgery or an injury, old or new, please do yourself and your body a favor and call Dr. Alex.

Gina F.

Breast Self-Exam

When should I call my Doctor about something I find in my breast self-exam?

If you find some of these signs or symptoms:

  • Rashes, redness, dimpling of the skin.
  • A nipple that has scaling, redness, itchiness, and has changed positions.
  • Pain in one spot of the breast that doesn't go away.
  • A hard knot inside the breast or armpit area.
  • Change in the shape and size of the breast.
  • Nipple discharge that starts suddenly.

Chaux Physical Therapy
(805) 203-9940